We also offer our Kampierstuhl as an exclusive version with leather seating – . We currently use it as a mobile sitting opportunity in our living room, i.e. for visitors (but not exclusively…).
Of course, it can also be set up outdoors where it would receive some patina from the weather.
Tripolina Folding Chair
Photos from the original Tripolina Folding Chair show that the seatings in thos days were usually made from leather.
The color of the leather can change in time, depending on the color this will happen at different speed. Our leather has a high number in lightfastness.
Our leather is organic certified, free from chromium and vegetable tanned. The leather is dyed in barrels without the use of heavy metals – this means that the colour has penetrated into the leather and is not just coating the leather surface. We set value on keeping the hide’s character by not covering its natural marks with chemicals. The leather is certified with the ECARF seal of quality from the European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation, from Biokreis e.V. and from IVN (International Association of Natural Textile Industry e.V.).
Th leather is exclusively from cattle from Southern Germany (predominantly from open land farming) and is also processed there. It has a thickness of 2-2,5mm, a dull surface and is soft in touch.
The edges of our leather seatings are unconcealed.
Information to the Kampierstuhl-frame can be found at Kampierstuhl – Frame.
Der Kampierstuhl nach dem Design des Tripolina Folding Chair ist exklusiv im Ökofaktum Online-Shop erhältlich.